Friday, October 8, 2010

Potato Cupcake

Before I knew cupcakes were cool, I created my own cupcake costume. Note: I had no idea what was in store when I began sewing together the billion yards of pink fabric. I wore it to work and won a costume contest after I danced to Monster Mash and was paraded through the courtyard. I also went trick-or-treating with a co-worker of mine's (Betsy) family, which was a treat in itself. Each "adult" was paired up with a youngster or two in my case: Belle and Cinderella. They would walk up to the house, get their candy and yell "CUPCAKE!" everytime they were stepping off a porch so we could move along to the next house. From here on out, people on the elevators at work and everyone in Betsy's family refers to me as cupcake--everyone, all shapes, sizes and ages.  

Currently, I'm working on my Mrs. Potato Head costume.....I'll have to wait and see what names and mishaps this costume holds.

Anyways, Betsy's niece wrote me a thank you note for helping tie-dye T-shirts at her birthday party. This is what it said:

Potato Head + Cupcake = Potato Cupcake
How cute and funny is that?! I had to share! I love kids and the darnest things they say/come up with!

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